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Will reflexology help me?

Reflexologists who have been trained by accredited schools do not claim to cure, diagnose or prescribe.


Reflexology treatments are individually created following the initial consultation, so that they take into account the reasons that the client came, past and present medical history, and the emotional state they are in. The focus of each subsequent treatment may change,as the energy shifts and the body responds. 


The theory is that reflexology helps the body to restore its balance naturally. Usually, after a treatment your tension may be reduced and you might feel relaxed. You might also notice yourself sleeping better and find your mood and sense of wellbeing improving. You may also find that other aspects improve too; however, this happens on an individual basis.


Our modern lifestyles are creating stress whether we like and acknowledge this or not. It is therefore incumbent upon each of us to take more responsibility for our well-being, and start looking towards prevention of dis-ease and illness, rather than needing a cure.

" I first attended for menopause issues, which were quite extreme, having never had anything to do with reflexology I was initially quite sceptical, but conventional medicine was doing little to alleviate the symptoms.

After a few treatments from Jane the benefits were amazing - my problems were significantly relieved.

I would definitely recommend giving this a try."                                      Sue, Lincoln

"Jane... just to let you know how beneficial I am finding stress level and anxiety has improved immensely, plus my night cramps are not so severe.. it's a wonderful method of alternative treatments and I highly recommend it to those who are sceptics.... I look forward to my sessions with you knowing that after each treatment I feel aches and pains are very much works!! Many thanks"

                                                              Maggie, Lincoln

"I have had experience of reflexology in the past and was quite happy to use it again. My issues were Restless Leg Syndrome (Willis-Ekbom disease) and muscle spasms in the thigh when standing for extended periods. Medication helps the RLS to a degree, but after a few sessions of reflexology with Jane there has been a dramatic decrease in the problem, with the benefit of a much reduced issue with the thigh muscles. Can’t recommend the service enough"

                                             Steve, Lincoln

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Holding Hands

The Balanced Reflex

EAGLE, Lincolnshire
Tel:     01522 869094

Mob:  07976 638822

"Thankyou so much for today. You were professional, didnt judge, and were very calming. I feel so much better. Less stressed and less anxious"

F.S. Lincoln

"OK Mrs magic hands! I mentioned my shoulders and back of my neck etc were grot this morning, they were in fact really VERY painful and since I left you, not a single twinge and I can swivel like an owl with ease!!! THANK YOU "                                                          

                                                                S.P. Lincoln

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