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Stress — seems to be in the furrows of many brows these days.

It can be caused by all manner of things, each one having a different impact on different people – which makes our own response a function of both the cause, and the nature/environment of who we are.

Causes include physical things (exercise, fasting, temperature changes, illness), emotional things (fright, bereavement, falling in love, falling out of love, motherhood, fatherhood), lifestyle things (work environment, alcohol dependency, drug dependency, poor diet), anxiety and worry .

The consequences of stress will depend upon your own situation and your own values and personal memories, and your ability to cope with the cause(s).

Our response to stress, anxiety and worry is managed by our hormones, our immune system, and our nervous system. Prolonged exertion of any of these systems will throw the body out of balance—which will show up as physical disorders. In the short term this may be a churning stomach, a racing heart, sickness, trembling, diarrhoea, sweating, stiff neck, headache, disturbed sleep, clenched jaw…..

Long term, if we subject ourselves to continuous stress, the body remains on alert and we begin to suffer chest pains, migraine, insomnia, dermatitis/eczema, indigestion, loss of appetite, phobias or obsessions, alcoholism, smoking, lower back pain, depression…...

What can we do to help?

Reflexology works by trying to help your body to regain its natural balance, especially the hormones, the immune system, and the nervous system. Deep relaxation during the treatment will give your body time to slow down and recharge, and I will work on the reflexes associated with the stress-related areas, to maximise the chances of helping you.

See here to find out how, where, and how much…….

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The Balanced Reflex

EAGLE, Lincolnshire
Tel:     01522 869094

Mob:  07976 638822

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