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Are you curious about how Reflexology could help you?

You'll be pleasantly surprised!  At the very least, an hour's treatment will have you feeling relaxed and recharged, and at best - relieved of some of the aches or pains you may have had when you arrived.

I have helped clients who are recovering from operations such as spinal fusions and discectomies, and clients who are feeling drained and weighed down with lethargy.

I have also helped people with stress and anxiety, headaches, migraines, IBS  and  menopausal symptoms. 

The pain and low energy levels associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) have been reduced in a client following a course of treatments: since 2003, NICE has approved reflexology as a pain relieving treatment for patients with MS.

I work in a complementary fashion with allopathic medical practices, and will seek approval from the overseeing healthcare professionals to treat ongoing medical conditions, where necessary. 

Some providers of healthcare benefits plans such as Bupa, Paycare, Medicash and Sovereign cover reflexology, and some have agreed to prefer to use reflexologists with HMAR, FMAR or MAR status for the provision of cash back to clients for medical treatments. I have MAR status.

Get in touch
I would love to hear from you - if you have any questions about reflexology and whether it can help you, email or call. I am  definitely here to help.

The Balanced Reflex

EAGLE, Lincolnshire
Tel:     01522 869094

Mob:  07976 638822

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